Fragen und Antworten
How do you get out of full screen? |
To restore window display, please select "Full screen - restore" option from the local menu, available from the right mouse button. |
How to configure the Backspace key to work properly with my applications (bash and vim editor)? |
Some of the applications you use can expect different key codes for the same key press. For example the BackSpace key sends the 0x7f sequence and this sequence works ok in your bash. But vi can expect Ctrl + H (0x08) code sequence and 7f will not work. The problem is: many different applications expecting different codes, and there is only one BS key ;) . To work around this problem you can try to configure the application to 'understend' codes you send. From the other hand CryptoTerm has got two modes of sending key codes. Standard mode and Application mode. The mode is indicated on the toolbar ('Keyboard' button - pressed and unpressed). You can map the key from keyboard in one from the modes. For example the BS key will send the 0x7f sequence in standard mode, and 0x08 in application mode. If you use bash 'unpress' the Keyboard button -> it will send the 0x7f sequence. If you use vim press the Keyboard button -> it will send the 0x08 sequence. If you want to map the BS button in such way, please do the following:
- In Configuration | Conversion | XTERM press Edit button.
- Check the 'Application mode' check box.
- In the 'Key mapping configuration ...' window, on PC Keyboard panel, please press the BS button.
- At the Sequence tab in the Sequence edit box type 0x08
- Press Map button.
- Press Ok, save the mapping file.
To set this option permanently on, you can add ALLOWEXEC=1 option in [CONNECTION] part of configuration file (the name of the file is displayed at the first left part of status bar, extension: ct). |
How to program Function keys so for repetitive note entry - we can use this to save time. |
You can do that in two ways: You can map function keys from keyboard or in the Function Key Bar (you can show or hide the Function Key Bar from menu: Configuration | Settings | Function Keys). The mappings for keyboard will be activated after pressing the appropriate function key, and the mappings for Function Key Bar will be activated after clicking on a button from the Function Key Bar. To map the buttons from Function Key Bar please do the following:
- In Configuration | Conversion | WYSE60| Function Key Bar press button Edit.
- In the window 'Function Keys mapping configuration ...', the 'Function Keys' panel press appropriate function key.
- In the Displayed name field please enter a text -> it will be displayed on the button.
- Uncheck the 'Allow remote application to modify'
- On the Sequence tab you can enter the sequences that should be send to the host after pressing the button.
- Press the Map button.
- At the end press Ok button and save the name for this mappings (you can distribute the mapping file to other users)
If you want to map the function key form keyboard please do the same steps as above but in point 1 choose the 'Keyboard mapping file' Edit button. |
Is there a way to eliminate the use of numbers for vertical frames in wyse60 emulation? |
Please check your settings of remote system codepage (menu: Configuration | Conversion | Remote system code page field) - probably you use the utf-8. Please try to change this setting to 437 or 28591 (ISO 8859-1 Latin I). |
The period/delete key on number keypad defaults to a comma (,). Need to set the key to default to a |
In the Configuration | Conversion | emulation you use | press button Edit. In the 'Key mapping configuration for ... ' window, at the upper keyboard:
- press the Num button from keypad (the keypad will change to numeric one),
- press the Period button.
At the bottom keyboard choose Sequence tab and enter the . character. Press Map button. Then Ok button. Give the name to the configuration file, and close the configuration window. |
How do I redirect the screen output to a file? For example, while connected to host, I will print a |
You can redirect output to the file in two ways: 'ad hoc' logging and continuous logging.
- 'Ad hoc' logging
You manually start session logging by choosing the Terminal | Session logging | Save as text. To stop the logging just choose the Terminal | Session logging | Stop saving session.
- Continuous logging
To redirect output to a file please use Configuration | Connection | Log session option. Enable logging by check the 'Enable automatically after running the emulator' option, specify the session log files location and select the 'Create new after connecting' option. It allows to create log after each connection with different file name: cryptoterm_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log (where YYYY year, MM month, DD day, HH hour, MM minute and SS second). See help or documentation for more option. This option will be active after next connection.
Is there a way to increase the size of the Scrollback Buffer? |
The variable determining the number of lines is available in the configuration file (extension .ct). The name of the current configuration file you can find at the first panel of the Status Bar (the default is: cryptoterm.ct). To change the number of lines of the scroll buffer please input the value in the BUFFSIZE variable. You can find it in the SETTINGS section. Scroll buffer may be increased max to 2000 lines.
will change the buffer size to the 2000 lines.
In Windows Vista and Windows7 the configuration file is located in user AppData\Local\CryptoTerm 1.3\CryptoTerm folder. |
In 3270 emulation Enter key give me a line feed. I just want to enter the command. |
In 3270 emulation the Enter key from PC keyboard is mapped to the Return key from IBM 3270 keyboard. If you want to enter the command, you can use the Enter from Keypad. You can also remap the default behavior of CryptoTerm mapping. To do this please:
- Choose menu: Configuration | Conversion | TN3270.
- Press 'Edit' button near 'Keyboard mapping file' option to open 'Key mapping configuration' window.
- Press the Enter button on the PC Keyboard panel.
- Press the Enter button on the Terminal Keyboard panel (under the Shift key).
- Map keys by pressing then Map button and answer 'yes' on the message dialog (confirmation of changing default mapping).
- Press Ok and save your mapping to a file.
How to run a macro after connecting to the mainframe? |
All parameters used in configuration of CryptoTerm can be saved to the configuration file (menu File | Save As ...). Therefore, to execute the macro when you start CryptoTerm you can:
- In the Configuration | Connection select the appropriate Connection type and set the Default Server.
- In the Configuration | Connection | Settings box, select Connect while starting up.
- Record the appropriate macro - menu Terminal | Record Macro (in .ctm format).
- In the Configuration | Connection | Logging check Execute after connecting field, and in Wait for box enter any text that appear on the login screen (from mainframe - for example 'ACCOUNT...'), and in Send box type: <macro(macro_file_name)>.
- Save configuration (File | Save As ...).
To run the CryptoTerm terminal emulator you can:
- Just double click on the configuration_file_name.ct or,
- in the command line type: cryptoterm.exe configuration_file_name.ct, or just configuration_file_name.ct
The message "Public key was rejected by the server or incorrect user name was specified" was displayed while logging. |
In this case make sure that the user name was entered correctly in the "Authentication with keys" window.
If the user name was entered correctly and the situation keeps repeating, then it is most probable that the public key generated by the PKCS#11 device or by the CryptoTerm Secure Terminal Emulator was not transferred to the server beforehand.
The public key should be added at the end of the authorized_keys file which is stored on the server in the users home directory in the .ssh folder.
e.g.: /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
One of the methods to add the public key to the authorized_keys file is to log on the sever by using a password authentication method. After logging we select the PKCS#11 device in the Configuration | SSH menu (to make this option enabled, the PKCS#11 device must be configured in Configuration| SSH| PKCS#11 devices beforehand) or we select the private keys.
In case of:
- The PKCS#11 device: at first you should press the Advanced button, select the appropriate key and press Send.
Private keys: we select the appropriate key and use the Send option.
How to get connected to the server using the PKCS#11 device? |
Selecting the Configuration | Connection option will display a window with the connection options. As a connection type we select ssh1 or ssh2. Below we specify the Default server name and optionally, User name. The authentication method is to be set to the public key - PKCS#11 device. Having completed all these operations we press the Connect button. |
How to manage the RSA keys saved on the PKCS#11 device? |
Selecting the Configuration | SSH | PKCS#11 devices | Advanced option will display a window containing all the PKCS#11 devices connected to the computer (for the selected provider). Here we may manage the RSA keys stored on the PKCS#11 devices. Available options:
- Generate: selecting this option will display a form, on which we determine the size and the name of the RSA key as well as PIN to the PKCS#11 device; a new RSA key with the specified parameters is generated after logging.
- Delete: after logging, it removes the selected RSA key from the PKCS#11 device.
- Send: it sends the selected key to the ssh2 server (by means of the safe SFTP protocol); it places it in the user’s folder in the ./ssh/authorized_keys file; if the file or folder does not exist – it is created automatically.
- Save: it saves the selected public RSA key in a text file in the format used by the ssh2 servers.
- Refresh: selecting this option will reread all the PKCS#11 devices connected to the computer.
- Close: it closes the advanced settings window.
How to use the RSA keys saved on the devices supporting the PKCS#11 standard? |
The CryptoTerm terminal emulator may be configured in such a way that the authentication of the user to the ssh server is performed by means of the RSA keys stored on the devices supporting the PKCS#11 standard. After selecting the Configuration | SSH | PKCS#11 devices option, a window from which we may manage the device providers will be opened. Available options:
- Add: selecting this option will display a dialog enabling to indicate the path to the dynamic library supporting the PKCS#11 standard - the selected library will be added to the provider list.
- Delete: it removes a library from the list of the PKCS#11 device providers.
- Advanced: selecting this option will display a window containing all the PKCS#11 devices connected to the computer (for the selected provider). Here we may manage the RSA keys stored on the PKCS#11 devices.
While installing the CryptoTerm terminal emulator on some computers working on Windows 95 system the following error message appears "INSTALL.EXE file is connected to missing export of OLEAUT32.DLL: VarNot". |
Why does login not appear while working via RS port, after disconnecting and reconnecting? |
While working via RS connection, after disconnecting from the terminal side, UNIX does not interrupt the session. After reconnecting, the user is in the same place of the application, where the disconnection took place. Conclusion: before disconnecting (exiting the terminal emulator) you should exit the UNIX application and log off from the system. |
Why do the consecutive lines are displayed in the last row, and the screen does not scroll when scrolling the screen in the vi editor? |
You should check the compatibility of the settings of the number of the lines to be displayed on the screen in the emulator (Configuration | Emulation | Screen size: 80x24 option). |
Why does not the connection of the terminal to the UNIX by means of the RS connection work? |
Most probably the problem is in the settings of the serial ports on the side of the host and terminal or in the cable in use. To secure correct work an RS three-wire cable with standard bridges will do. In UNIX you should configure the appropriate tty by setting the appropriate parameters in the configuration files ( /etc/gettydefs, /etc/inittab). At the terminal emulator side you should enter the requested parameters in the serial port configuration Configuration | Connection | Connection type | serial port | Settings. |
Why does not local printing work? |
The standard ANSI terminal does not support local printing (a printer connected to the terminal). In the SCO UNIX system local printing may be executed by means of the lprint command. In order to make it possible to print from the CryptoTerm terminal, the PN and PS codes should be entered in the definition file of the terminals at the UNIX (/etc/termcap) side. The procedure is described in the Help option ( Unix host configuration). If the lprint command is not available in the system, you may use the print script that may be found on the distribution carrier. The parameter to call the script is the name of the file to be printed. |
When ANSI emulator works with SCO UNIX, the setcolor command does not display colors, and the scosh program does not paint the window background correctly. Why is that so? |
The SCO system with the ANSI terminal requires the terminal emulator to be set to the SCOANSI emulation mode.